
Ultracombat 28mm Modern Miniatures and Skirmish Rules

Created by Radio Dishdash Publishing Ltd.

To create our range of Ultracombat Modern US and Russian 28mm miniatures and the Ultracombat Skirmish wargame rules.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Hiccup
over 5 years ago – Wed, Feb 06, 2019 at 09:26:58 PM

Hi all,

We made a slight mistake in the Backerkit set up which meant for the highest backers we didn't include one squad of both Russians and Americans, leaving them 18 miniatures short. We are currently updating the Backerkit and it should be sorted in an hour. 

We apologies for the inconvenience and the worry that the more eagle eyed amongst you had when they discovered this issue. We would also like to thank those that brought it to our attention so we could rectify the issue quickly.



Backerkit & 24 page rulebook
over 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 05, 2019 at 08:55:49 PM

Dear pledgers

They tell me communication is the key, just enough to keep everyone informed without being too over the top. So let's get down to it. First, the bad news as I am sure many of you have figured out we are late with the 24-page rule book that's because its bigger than 24 pages and is taking slightly longer. We hope to have the PDF in your hands soon. Now the good news. By the time you have read this, the backerkit should be live and you can make your choices etc. So you will all be receiving links within the next 24hrs. Make sure you check your spam if you dont have anything after 48hrs.

Also, we have another work in progress render that we think is a beauty.

new russian
new russian

It's another Russian and still a work in progress, our Americans have been held up by the snow/ice vortex in Chicago, apparently it was so cold the internet stopped working... makes me shiver just thinking about it as I bask here in the NZ sunshine.

so while it's a mixed bag comms wise I hope you can see we are pushing forward as hard as we can. Oh and one last thing the results of the poll was that we are adding the two more fireteams instead of the vehicles. That's not to say the vehicles are dead in the water we are looking at alternative funding arrangements as we speak.

So I hope you are feeling informed and for those of you suffering in the USA, I sincerely hope you get warm soon.



Russian Squad Leader
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:46:37 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

over 5 years ago – Tue, Jan 08, 2019 at 08:29:20 PM

Happy New Year to everyone.

Those backers who elected for "miniatures only" deal should have the miniatures by the end of this month. We are casting up those miniatures as we speak and of course we have the sculptors working on the new ones as well. So the project has started.

A few us you seem to have got a bit confused re: the miniatures only deal and the larger project but just to say although we will be working hard to get this project done ASAP we retain the right to match our original end date of October for those larger pledges.

We are also looking into the vehicles to see if we can afford them and offer them to the backers at a much reduced costs but because of the holiday season communication between us and our manufactures has been held up we hope to have more information by the end of the week(ish).

This is why  no one has yet received a backerkit invite but we will endeavour to get that sorted just as soon as we can.

Our initial rules are taking slightly longer than anticipated but at this stage end of Jan is still looking plausible at this stage but will update you as we go.

Now a word about communication. Some of you like lots of comms and others prefer to just keep it down to the important stuff. We are attempting to keep a balance between the two.Do let us know, politely please, if we swing too much in any one direction. 

The Ultracombat team and I are as excited as you guys to see this project come to life and we will do our best to keep the channels of communication as clear and open as possible.



Money and test initial casting
over 5 years ago – Sat, Jan 05, 2019 at 01:15:22 PM

So now the money has come through we are starting the project. From the image above, you will see some of the first 18 miniatures to be cast. First spins are all about finding the pressure that gives the best casts. That will explain the differences in the miniatures in the tests you can see. Once we have the mould dialled in, regular runs then produce a mostly even cast.

We have started on the 24 page PDF which we are still very hopeful to have before the end of January. So that just leaves me to wish you seasons greetings wherever you are in the world, whether you are warm like me down in Wellington NZ or cold like my co-writer Nathan in Chicago. Regardless enjoy the holidays.